Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day two of Psych

Today was better than yesterday. i saw three patients on my own. I was all proud of myself because my patient cried with me - but i think its just part of the business. its not hard to get people who are depressed to cry. i've mastered sigecaps. just gotta learn the drugs now. i was scared to be a lone in the room with one of the patients, the nurse's note said "wants to kill other people" but when i met the guy he was small, tatted up and rather calm. he was what they call a typical patient. homeless, in an out prison, heroin user, and of course, the diagnoses to end all diagnoses - Depressed. I have yet to meet anyone on the ward who isn't! i'm having a hard time reconciling all this drug pushing. i don't see how when someone has depression secondary to a medical condition that giving them a med is truly the answer. does everyone REALLy NEED a med? or are we just fulfilling their desire and not doing what is truly in their best interest? maybe i should have been an DO.
pts> guy depressed after gf dumped him
tatted up excon heroin and voices - psychosis
woman who lost children to cps - depresson and panic disorder

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