Maybe cuz i didn't really tell you any stories - i just generalized.
lets see - there was the 21 yr artist who after a trip on shrooms said he had an epiphany god had chosen him as the angel to save the world. he expained the government is controlled by the devil and thats why if you look at barcodes, there are barcodes on everything all have 666 in them. also that shrooms, lsd and weed are good they are like brain food, and the reason they are illegal is cuz the devil controls the govt. alcohol and smoking which are bad are legal again its the devil. unfortunatly the devil gets all the best people to work for him and do his work. the pt explained that i was an angel. and so was he obviously, he was like you can't see my wings but they're there, you guys just won't let me do my work he said. he also explained to me that the world is going to end on dec 12 2012 when the aztec calendar ends, god is going to close the gates to heaven - so watch out. he refused meds cuz obviosly if i was an angel controlled by the devil then meds are bad.
lets see there was the guy who looked like a girl who kept talking in different voices. he said he had multiple personalities, one of which was drag queen. and one of his personalities had disappeared and now there was no order in his life, and the other personalities were fighting. one of the personalites was trying to come out of his back. when asked to change personas the pt convulsed and spoke in tongues.
there was the old black man who said he heard voices that told hiim to get naked and run in front of a train.
the woman that thought she had bugs all over her body and had gone to numerous drs even going as far as to save her feces in tuperware to prove to her dr that she indeed had a bug. eventually she had collected so many tuperwares of feces she didn't know what to do with them.
and there are a ton of people who think someone is out to get them, they are a dime a dozen.
the girl who cut her wrists then tried to say that what really happened is that she had a n itch on her arm and she was just trying to itch it wit h the edge of opened can.
the woman who had no idea where her family was - they found her on the beach totally sunburned and clueless. no drugs invovled and no brain tumor. she's just totally confused. and very sunburned.
and ofcourse ur random scabies. i totally thought i had caught them like three times, i was itching all over.
the guy who chased some people with a machete because he said they were tyring to attack him because he is a major film director, in fact he is the director of the director.
and one of the funnier ones, a man who said he heard cholos i n his head making fun of him and his conversations with other people. can you imagine - cholos in ur head? ur own peanut gallery?
anyways that is all i can think of right now. psych has been great, i learned a lot. and despite the entertainment that somepeople derive from these strange encounters there a lot of people who just sincerely want help. and it happens to everyone not just the poor or the rich or the white or brown.